Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union Healthcare

As I watched the State of the Union address on Tuesday night, I couldn't help but to think how we must focus on the cause of health disease to reduce healthcare costs. No amount of government regulation or medical research will reduce the cost of healthcare, unless we eat healthier.

The increased supply of cheap, tasty, fast, low nutrition processed food with improved distribution, and marketing has contributed to the growth of obesity. As a result, obesity will soon replace tobacco as the single most important preventable cause of chronic non-communicable diseases, and will add an extra 7.8 million cases of diabetes, 6.8 million cases of heart disease and stroke, and 539,000 cases of cancer in the United States by 2030. However, awareness of how to prevent obesity remains relatively low or confusing due in part to trend diets.

When it comes to employers’ healthcare costs, the Thomson Reuters Workforce Wellness Index Study recently reported that employers spend roughly $670 annually on total medical costs for each employee.  A surprising 60% percent, or $400 of that cost is directly attributable to illnesses linked to obesity. In addition, obesity leads to lost production, greater absenteeism, higher worker’s compensation costs, increased insurance premiums, and reduced profit margins.

The President said last night, "If you have ideas about how to improve this law by making care better or more affordable, I am eager to work with you." Mr. President I would like to suggest that we offer incentives to encourage  disease prevention rather than one that focuses primarily on medical research and treatment. Incentives like subsidizing organic and natural farming to make it more affordable for the middle class or tax credits for people who purchase products or services that promote wellness.

My suggestion to the President will require ongoing consumer education, and food providers unwilling to compromise on nutrition. This is why select restaurants across the nation are teaming up to support monthly health and wellness webinars, while featuring their highest quality "whole food" menu items starting this Spring with Whole Foods Network. These restaurants aren't waiting on the government, lobbyist, and food manufacturers to do the right thing for our health and wellness. They are willing to be a part of the solution to prevent health disease today. Eating healthier is the single most important step we can all take to control healthcare costs in our nation.

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