Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Should Restaurants Seek a Higher Purpose With Customers or The Real Deal With Groupon?

60 Minutes featured a story on “The Real Deal with Groupon” Sunday January 15, 2012. It seems as if many of our nation’s restaurants have forgotten why they exist and their purpose. Instead of serving a higher purpose, some restaurants are willing to stand in line to give 50% or more off retail menu prices. I’m certain that is not the reason why most people get into the restaurant industry.

Our country is going through a health-care crisis, and the only viable solution seems to be eating healthier to prevent chronic disease. Therefore,  instead of offering deep discounts, restaurants should  feature healthier menu options without artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, sweeteners, and hydrogenated fats to help consumers get their proper nutrition. You would probably agree that offering healthier menu options is a better approach to attracting loyal consumers who are willing to pay full retail value.

In my experience, restaurants that are willing to offer such deep discounts have not established the value of their higher purpose with customers. Businesses with a higher purpose tend to attract the trust and loyalty of customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and their community. These are the people who become passionate about doing business with your restaurant.

Starting this Spring 2012, we are launching www.WholeFoodsNetwork.com to help restaurants across the nation maximize this unique opportunity to help consumers eat more natural foods. Our mission is to educate consumers on eating more whole foods and less processed foods to prevent health conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

When I was in flight school, my instructor’s main purpose was to teach me to become a safe pilot. However, if you ask business owners or managers what’s their purpose, many will answer to make money. What’s your purpose for being in the restaurant industry?

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