Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mintel: Local Produce More Important than Organic

Local is quickly becoming a consumer favorite, as locally-sourced products are becoming more popular at grocery stores and restaurants alike, according to recent Mintel research.

The same is true in the fruit and vegetable industry with more than half (52 percent) of consumers reporting that it’s more important to buy local produce than organic. In fact, fruit products with a natural/organic claims have declined 58 percent between 2008 and 2011, while vegetable product launches with that claim have decreased by 77 percent during the same time period, according to data from Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD).

“Natural and organic produce items aren’t completely passe, but local varieties are steadily gaining ground,” says John N. Frank, category manager, CPG food and drink reports for Mintel. “Interestingly enough, senior citizens are even more likely to believe that buying local produce is more important than organic.”

While it’s true that consumers have their preferences when it comes to the type of fruits and veggies they consume, they still aren’t eating the recommended daily amounts. Fourteen percent of Americans don’t eat any servings of fruit on a typical day and 7 percent report the same of their vegetable eating habits.

Meanwhile, 69 percent agree that they should eat more fruits and veggies than they currently consume.

“Consumers may respond well to a marketing message touting the idea that eating vegetables is a healthier way to get important vitamins than taking a pill,” suggests John Frank. “Some 81 percent of respondents agree with that statement. Another effective marketing message could be ways to make meal salads with vegetables, as 59 percent of respondents say they eat salads as a meal at least once a week.”

Providing vegetable preparation ideas could also increasing produce consumption, according to Mintel. It may be lack of ideas that leads 37 percent to say the fresh vegetables they buy often go bad before they have a chance to eat them, and 27 percent who say they would eat more vegetables if they knew how to prepare them.

My Take on the Story:

This is a great opportunity for restaurants to help consumers eat more local fruits and veggies by providing them as menu items or demonstrating how to prepare fresh vegetables at home. Consumers today want information that they can apply immediately, to make life easier or more enjoyable. 

Restaurants can create tremendous value be offering menu items that help consumers eat the recommended daily amount of fresh fruit and vegetables. I believe that restaurants often sell themselves too short when the focus is mostly on price discounting. Price is only important in the absence of perceived value. 

People are willing to spend more on things they value. That is why many of us are willing to spend thousands each year on mobile devices and accessories. Mobile devices have become a valuable part of our daily lives. Now, restaurants should also strive to become a valuable part of daily lives by serving more menu items made with fresh fruits and vegetables.

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